The Reporter has been published continuously since October 1870. Its purpose is both to communicate and expedite the business of the University, as well as to contribute to the archival record of the University. Ordinary weekly editions are published every Wednesday during term-time; there are also special editions (such as the Roll of the Regent House, Financial Mananagement Information, Fellows of the Colleges, and so on) and occasional extraordinary editions.
The Reporter is widely read, both within the University and around the world. An average weekly online edition may receive around 3,000 hits, from across 65 different countries. Around 10,000 people are signed up to receive the Reporter email alert each week.
Each issue is divided into two parts. The first section contains articles relating to official University business, published by University bodies such as the Council or General Board (or Board of Scrutiny or other Syndicate constituted by Ordinance). The second part contains unofficial business; notices by Colleges, societies, and some external organisations are included in this latter section, along with Reports of Discussions. For more information on each section of the Reporter, see the ‘Sections and teminology’ page.
The Reporter is available online from the academical year 1997-98 onwards. To view editions for the years prior to that, the printed volumes should be consulted. Hard-copy archive copies of every edition of the Reporter since its inception in 1870 are available from the Cambridge University Library, each College’s library, and the British Library. Since the beginning of the 2011-12 academical year, the Reporter has been an online-only publication; hard copies are no longer routinely circulated, although a printable PDF is available on the contents page for each edition. Alternatively, you are able (for a fee) to subscribe to receive a printed copy via Cambridge Print Solutions.